Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Best Kiss

Yesterday, I was contemplating who the best kisser I have ever kissed. The best overall consistently good kisser would be the hasher who shall remain nameless. But best overall single one great kiss that up to this point would be Arianne. It was a Spring day, my Junior year in High School, I gave her a ride home, which was our normal routine. Neither of us had anything to do, so we went for a walk in the park across the street from her house. I don't remember how we led up to the kiss, I wish I did, then maybe I could have reproduced it and gotten more of those magical kisses from her. The whole incident is a blur, I just remember her mouth being warm and inviting. After the kiss, I walked her home, I think we held hands, I am not for sure. When I was driving home, I felt drunk, to think that I was actually intoxicated by a kiss. The day must have been a Friday, because we made it past the 48 hour friendship kiss period, by the next time I saw her the was a sense of uncomfortableness and the moment was never recaptured.
I later found out in College she had a crush on me our entire Junior year and that is why she didn't date anyone that year. Up till then I had thought it odd that one of the most desired girls in my home town wasn't dating.
The biggest heart break concerning that kiss came while I was a Senior in College. One of my friends from home called and said he was going to be in town with his new girlfriend. Turned out his new girlfriend was her. This made me insanely jealous, she didn't stray from my mind for quite a while. Also my friend is the obnoxious guy who talks about his sex life, a conversation under normal circumstances I didn't really enjoy, but in this case, I loathed it.
After graduation I took a year off to travel, January I left for Europe with her and that kiss still on my mind. By May I was broke, so I headed home and worked as a reporter for the summer. After a while, I found out that my friend and the girl had broken up. So I decided to lay it all down, I tracked her down and called her. I admitted to her that was the best kiss I ever had, I also admitted to having a crush on her but was always to nervous to risk our friendship to do anything and the last thing I admitted was the fact that every girl I dated my Junior year, the breakup was usually over my friendship with her. By this time it was way too late.
We stayed in touch over that Summer, I told her I would call her when I came back from Europe. I left in September, returned in early January. I never called, I just left for Grad school and put her out of my memory, that is until yesterday. Funny how break-ups make you think of lost loves.


Blogger Hieu said...

*sniffle* that was soo incredibly sweet!!

it almost make me want to not throw rocks at boys :-)

4:25 PM, September 20, 2005  
Blogger Rafael said...

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9:38 AM, September 21, 2005  

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