Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It really sucked

Last nights hash sucked! I had a totally great idea and it just didn't turn out as I expected. People said they had a good time, but I really didn't. I just was not impressed with what I did. I think the haunted hash could have been much better. If I ever try to do it again, I will try to pull it off the way I want it to. Everyone got pretty hammered, but does hammered constitute a good time? Maybe for some, but not for me. People have been posting that they had a good time. All I can say is I am thoroughly disappointed. I really thought it was going to be better. Plus the turnout sucked. At least some people wore costumes and made it somewhat interesting. Seeing Slut dressed up as Duffman and High Beams dressed as a belly dancer made the whole night worth while. Plus Hermaphodites on Unicycles dressed up as a gift from God was pretty cool.

As I am writing this, we are having a fire drill at work, actually it probably not a drill because I usually get a NOC email announcing a pending drill so we can reroute traffic. I hope nothing happens to the building would hate to miss work


Blogger brownie said...

So why did the hash suck? Hopefully it was better than your last Sunday trail, that one sucked pretty bad.

11:19 AM, October 18, 2005  
Blogger dayoldfish said...

I just expected it to be greater.

11:27 AM, October 18, 2005  
Blogger brownie said...

Don't worry, I'm haring the next full moon, I'll make up for your lameness.

11:55 AM, October 18, 2005  
Blogger PlaysByEar said...

It could've been worse--Brownie could have been there.

12:39 PM, October 18, 2005  

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