Friday, November 25, 2005

Trip Home

Over Thanksgiving, i went home to visit my family. Had a really great visit with them; but my car broke down the second day I was there. I had it repaired, but last night when I arrived back in Austin, it appears to have died again. This morning I woke up on Tuck It's couch, Brownie was on the floor and @ss Gagger was on the other section of the couch. Needless to say, it was an awesome night, although the two most annoying people in the Austin hash were there. At some point, Tuck It and I decide to ride bikes down to Lil Woodrows(I think that point was when we figured out there was no more beer), the bikes we chose were both in bad condition. When we arrived at Lil Woodrows, they wouldn't let us in, something about being barefoot. On the way back I took a spill, have some nice cuts on my hands and elbows, which is okay the trails recently have sucked and have noot bled for a while. This morning, Tuck It had 20 minutes to run me by my place and then drop me off at the office, I arrived at my desk just in time and still slightly drunk. I have bneen here for an hour and the only thing work related I have done, is check email. God, I love my life.

going to try and look busy,

On-On to TAF's bday party


Blogger dayoldfish said...

yeah it does, the good thing is I came in and they needed NOC coverage, which I actually love to do

8:30 AM, November 25, 2005  

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