Monday, April 03, 2006


I would like to say that Daylight Savings Time sucks. Sunday morning, I totally woke up rushed, had to get dressed for the hash and for Todd's Memorial Service, plus I had to call my grandmother and get trish by her place to get her hash stuff. The Memorial Service was supposed to start at 11:30, at 11:30 I was just leaving Trish's place. Around 11:35 I receive a call from Free Meat saying she is late (who would have thought it), turns out she is ahead of me, I was running more late than the Asians, holy hell fire shit. We finally make it to the Memorial Service, which was held at the Marina Todd kept Infinity at. It was really cool to see all the people who showed up. As time goes on people seem to forget about those they have lost. This was not true for Todd, he had many people show up for the service, even better yet some people pooled some money to fly Father Bob out (not only that they kept him out drinking till 3 am). The Service was was really good, of course it was followed by Lonestar's and Jamesons on Infinity. It was really great having trish there, last year all I had was a drunken Asian. For pics of the service, check out Free Meats page.
After the service, it was off to the hash. Yesterday marked my return to doing trail since I screwed up my ankle. I pretty much ran off and on to the first beer check, mostly running. As we were coming into the beer check, I stopped running to sit on a bridge, this served two purposes, one to allow Trish to catch up and two I was sitting on a No Fishing sign, of course I covered part of it up with my bum, so it said No Fish.
From the beer check on, I pretty much walked, the terrain was playing hell on my ankle. The end of trail ended up being at the same spot we had the Memorial Service earlier in the day, The hash was joined by many members of the Austin Sailing Soceity. We had a really good time and who knows maybe we have recruited some Assers to the hash, at least possibly when the wind sucks.
Today, my ankle is feeling pretty decent, hurt like hell yesterday. My legs are a little heavy from running, but that will go away soon enough. Think it is time to start pre-work runs. Although I should probably wait till I clear up my attendance issues before risking another trail spill before work. Well back to work.


Blogger K said...

Sunday was also my first run in three weeks - ankle rip from a hole on the full moon run. Don't let the egg-shaped sock line stop you.

11:51 AM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger Chlamydia said...

Wish I could have been there but it was great to get to TxIH.

12:08 PM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger dayoldfish said...

it was great having you at TXIH, and looking forward to your return to Austin this Summer

12:11 PM, April 03, 2006  

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