Saturday, May 13, 2006

Great Day

So I was heading to lunch today, had settled for Vietnamese, then I remembered that Free Meat said there was a new Mexican place opening up near the Viet place. I decided to take a look, turns out it is the same place I used to go to lunch when the froot was at its previous location. Los Jaliscienses has come to North Austin. For those of you who have been there, you know this is one of the best Taqueria's in Austin. I would have to say that this is my favorite Mexican place in Austin and now to have it in my neighborhood makes things all the much better.

This place has this great poblano cream sauce, it goes great on everything. Their regualr salsa's are good but I just can't stay away from the green. My usual order there is the Alambres. It is like a fajita dish, but you also have bacon and sausage in it besides just the beef or shrimp. I really cannot begin to describe how good this place is. The only bad thing I forsee is most of their clientele are Mexican, something N Austin is short of. I urge everyone who reads this to give this place a try, the food is definitely worth it. If not for the food, then do it for me, I need this place for a lunch and dinner destination. They need the business so do it for me.

Quit reading this, go there now.


Blogger dayoldfish said...

that is a seriosuly great name

8:06 AM, May 15, 2006  
Blogger dayoldfish said...

Oh Yeah, those. Wells Branch, Same shopping center as Ropers and Raggedy Anne's. I figure since mostly hashers read this, bars as a landmark would be the best directions.

8:49 AM, May 15, 2006  
Blogger Eunuch said...


Now, Fish, I'd love to visit this place, first because it sounds great, second, because I love to eat, third, well, I love to eat, but it'll be a bit of a time before I can show there (hmmm, 80 days left in Iraq and counting). Thanks for the suggestion, tho!

4:41 PM, May 17, 2006  
Blogger HOV said...

Next time I'm Austin I'll check it out but I may look like the regulars. You suck!!!

8:40 AM, May 19, 2006  
Blogger mike said...

Ahhh... Dude. I wish you had metioned that it wasn't open yet. It worked out though. We found a promising cajun place that just needs a little guidance.

7:23 PM, May 23, 2006  
Blogger dayoldfish said...

the beer will come. Had the milanesa yesterday, my God, it is going to become my normal Friday lunch, cannot beat that much food for $4

3:28 PM, May 27, 2006  

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