Saturday, May 27, 2006

Have not posted in a while

Just wanted to drop a line to say I am still here. I know I see most of you at hashes, HH's and parties. This week has been very confusing, I cannot imagine how it is for Trish, Kevin and their family. I have a lot to say, but the words are just not there. Maybe someday I will write about it, maybe I won't. I dunno.

I would like to share a little story I heard this week. A guy was explaining what happened to his false teeth. He was passed out on the couch drunk and he hears this noise like his pitt bull is chewing on a bone. When he gets up, it turns out his pitt bull was eating his teeth. If you could have saw the guy and the way he was telling the story it was quite funny.

I would like to close by saying that Trish's parents took us out for dinner last night. I made the suggestion that they keep it a family thing and Trish's mom insisted I go. Considering what they have gone through this week, I was very touched. It made me happy to see her mom smiling and in a good mood all during dinner. I know the sad times will always be there because of her loss, but that little bit of happiness was, well I don't know how to explain it.

Mom and Yvette, if you are reading this, I love you both. And I am planning on making it up there sometime soon. I know I am always say that, but I am serious this time and not just because my birthday is coming up.


Blogger xyzzybaluba said...

LOL, I love you too. Ya dork.

4:48 PM, May 27, 2006  

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