Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Birthday Hash 2006

For once, I finished laying trail with enough time to eat, shower, change clothes and have a few drinks. This year, the drinks of choice would be Sparks and Mexican Martini's, a great combination to make sure a drunken hare can go the distance.

At the start, some people were discouraging drinking before the hash, since some hares had complained about running out of beer too early in the trail, I of course did not agree with this fully, I basically said that if you have hared this year, feel free to imbibe, since I was more than well stocked for the hash. I of course had a few to make sure those who were drinking were in good company. By the end of circle, I of course, was working on being hammered. Three beer checks and being the hare will do that to a guy.

For the On-On-On, we all headed to the hideout. This was one of the largest On-On-On's outside of someone's house I have seen in a while, even Crusty Beaver showed up. Things were going okay, I was trying to keep in mind that I did have to work the next day, then She Mussel Bitch showed up with Jager. Well not to be out done by her, I went and ordered some. Then I ordered more, then I ordered more and one for Crusty Beaver and She Wanker. Also early on, I asked for a rum and Diet Coke, Damon (Happy Crack) style. Needless to say when I left The Hideout I was ripped.

At Trish's urging, during the one block trip home, we pulled into Exxon for chili dog's. Nothing like chili dogs to make sure you have a nice settled stomach for work, right. If Monday was not my easy day at work, I would have called out sick. I showed up for work, on time; but I did end up leaving early. I felt like I would have been much better off if I would have pulled a Browneye and ended up puking all the Jager, but I toughed it out and paid for it the next day.

On-On to rehab (wait, I'm not a quitter)


Blogger Smut Mutt said...

Decient trail, plenty of beverage stops, & good chow at the end.

1:37 PM, July 11, 2006  
Blogger babyG said...

Had a good time, it was nice to have Sarah with me and see her get wet and dirty

1:47 PM, July 11, 2006  
Blogger Gagger said...

Yeah, the Hideout was super-fun...until the Cards beat the Astros.

And why is there a picture of me on the pebbles by the picnic tables???

6:57 AM, July 12, 2006  
Blogger Eunuch said...

"some people were discouraging drinking before the hash" WTF...these so-called hashers should be taken out and shot. Obviously, someone needs to ensure there is enough beverages for the entire hash...I've done a couple of down-downs because we ran out of beer (and there was MORE in the back of the truck!)

6:38 PM, July 13, 2006  
Blogger K said...

S'posed to be Trashing? I was gonna say, just steal my Hash Trash, but this looks boner-fide to me! on on.

1:16 AM, July 15, 2006  

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