Monday, October 30, 2006

BRC and the weekend

October is upon us again, which means The Burnet Road Challenge, The Drunkest Race in Texas. We had many repeat runners from last year, a few who had actually finished the previous race. I really do not remember much of the BRC, it will probably be posted in several other blogs. I did do the two beers per bar, plus the whiskey shot (possibly two) at Ginnys, I also added in a random beer check at The Brentwood Tavern and some jager at LaLa's. Who knows how much I had at the end, although my credit card was still at that bar the next day.
After the BRC, several of us went to Taco Cabana for some breakfast tacos to help with recovery. This was pretty much a blur, as was the trip to drop a few people off. I do remember being in the back of Bridget's car, seeing Grabber (our race director) staggering down Burnet, we had to coerce him into the car. We dropped him off at his truck, where he promised to sleep. At this point a few of us made it over to the Keever's to continue partying, but alas we all just passed out.
Day two consisted of waking up and those of us left at the Keever's ended up going to Kerby Lane to meet Rob and Lynn for breakfast. The guys started drinking and of course since we had to go pick up more cars from the start of the BRC, we came up with the idea of doing parts of the BRC all over again. Brilliant! Back to Billy's, then Poodle Dog, then Dart Bowl for beer, bowling and burgers. After bowling, the girls wanted to nap before the TX A&M game, at this point I decide I needed a shower, and my car, so Keever drops me by my place. After I nap, I wake up an hour into the A&M game. I decide to go pick up my credit card from the Canary Hut, while I was there the bartender mentioned something about something I did the night before. Of course I don't remember, so I grab my CC and dash. The rest of Saturday was pretty lame, went home, cooked dinner and read.
Sunday I am woken up by my cell phone ringing, seems like that occurs every Sunday. It is Free Meat, she wanted to remind me to mention the Halloween Party during announcements at the hash, she also threw out an invitation for some soup at Chon Som. A quick shower and I am off to CS for some Tom Kha (ahhhhhh).
On the way to the hash, I am almost crushed between a truck and a concrete embankment. I was basically pinned in where I could not break, all I could do is wail on my horn. The trucker woke up and moved back into his lane. ASSHOLE!
The hash was in South Austin, hate South Austin, my internal compass just does not work down there. The hares laid a great trail, 8.4 miles. I was FRB to both the beer check and the end, which was a first, I have been frb to both but never in the same hash.
After the hash, headed home for a little reading, after a quick stop into CS for some curry.

On a side note, was just at Chipotle, picking up some lunch. I believe I have never been in there when an employee was not eating. That must say something about the quality of their food.

As for today, 6.5 hours left in the Network Operations Center and then home for either movies or reading.



Blogger PlaysByEar said...

I don't remember you "doing anything" at CH. Did I do anything?

12:38 PM, October 30, 2006  
Blogger dayoldfish said...

I really don't remember much but popcorn

12:40 PM, October 30, 2006  
Blogger babyG said...

the BRC was fun, and the only thing I did all weekend

7:36 AM, October 31, 2006  

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