Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Freak Out

Today I may have completely freaked out a co-worker. I was in another building washing my hands and this guy walks out of one of the stalls and I comment that he had a tremendous dookie. I finish washing and drying my hands then I leave. The whole time the guy is frozen, his eyes were like those of a deer in a spotlight.

In all honesty, the guy let rip one of the most rancid smells I have ever come across. It was a triple flusher. And even the owner of the poop was gagging, that says a lot. I felt that this guy should know that he had truly taken the poop of a grand master.

Oh is it time for happy hour yet? Wait, I already had a couple of drinks 2 hours ago, 1 more hour till I can leave for good. Love my job! For reals!


Blogger mike said...

Maybe he thought that dookie was slang for penis. Computer nerds do not get out much. And no, Dave & Busters does not count.

I usually say, when comfronted with that situation, "Dude, as a medical professional (which I am not), that particular odor is usually symptomatic of colon cancer. You should make an appt with you family doctor and get a referral to a specialist."

6:23 PM, November 07, 2006  
Blogger Pittchick said...


5:54 AM, November 08, 2006  
Blogger BRAE said...

Didn't you do this a few months ago?

6:22 AM, November 08, 2006  
Blogger dayoldfish said...

no, I did the corn in my poop bit a few months ago

1:05 PM, November 08, 2006  

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