Thursday, April 05, 2007

Friday Night House Warming

On Friday, I attended a house warming at my friends Robin and Brinda's new home. like so may other times in my life, I have been the only white boy in the house. But what can I say, I love Indian food and Robin is a giid friend of mine. Some of you may remember Robin from when he hashed, the most memorable moment would be him diving off the party barge and dislocating both his shoulders. What makes it worse, he was the only one not drinking that day. The party was a good time, plenty of beer was flowing, Robin even had some Lonestar.

Here are a couple of pics.


Blogger Jerri said...

ha. He should have drank, that would have loosened him up! :-) I'm such a bad influence!

12:08 AM, April 06, 2007  

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