This past holiday weekend was not quite like most holidayes for me. Had Pretty much a week long pre-lube to warm up for the weekend. I am not sure what I did last Monday, but I do know I was not home.
Tuesday I went out for drinks with Ring Around the Panties to prepare for my 100th beer at BB Rovers on Thursday.
Wedenesday, I met some friends for Trivia, three 32 oz. Bass's later I find myself driving toward I Pee Freely and Free Meat's house to hang with Free Meat and have a beer. Two beers later she announces that she has to go to the airport to pick up I Pee, she wanted to know if I wanted to go. Well she offered a roadie, so I had to say yes.
Thursday, meet BlASStZone, Great Dane Pain, Free Meat, Just Jana, Ring around the Panties and a slew of Dorks for a beer at BB Rovers. So I order my 100th beer, a Lonestar (to Crotch Rot you will be missed). I then had my 101st for free, Chimay Grand Reserve, 11% alc and the bottle is about the size of a bottle of wine. From this I move on to Blue Moon Pale, when I took my first drink my response was, "Oh SHIT, I cannot taste it!" My taste buds had been killed by the Chimay. At this point, I think it would be a perfect time to go home, but someone had the idea of meeting at Chuy's for dinner. When I arrive, everyone had already ordered Mexican Martinis, at this point I knew I was screwed.
Needless to say Friday was not a very pleasant day at work. Friday night a friend of mine calls and says to stop by after work, I immediately answer with a yes since his wife is an awesome cook. When I arrive there is only food he has cooked and Beast Light, I grudgling take the Beast Light, and thoroughly enjoyed the Rice and Beans. After a couple of beers I receive a call from Free Meat, she wants to meet for a beer. One beer shouldn't hurt, so my friend and I meet her at Graffiti's. One beer turns into several, then as we are about to leave, Free Meat notices it is time for I Pee to get off of work, so we wait for him and have a few more beers.
Saturday, meet Ring Around the Panties and his girlfriend to watch the UT game. Could really care less if UT won or lost, but hey my team won that day. So Ring is all ready to party, I hadn't even ordered my first beer when he orders a round of Jager, a few shots later game is over, I am severely buzzed. At this point we decide to hit a party and then head downtown, for this excursion we only need 1 car, so we drop mine off at my office. We all ride over to some co-workers apartment have a few drinks and then notice that Ring's girlfriend has taken off with his car. Will refrain speaking about how this made me feel. So with no ride, Ring and I are stuck at the party over night, because everyone there is way too drunk to drive.
The next morning we are given a ride to the office, only good point of partying with co-workers. Ring's girlfriend is still missing, I refuse to drive him home, I know it was petty, but I seriously wanted to be in my bed asleep. I give Ring the couch and I head to bed. Somewhere around 11:30 I receive a call from his chic and she says she is coming to pick him up, about damn time. I tell Ring to go wait for her and I head back to sleep.
I wake up around 2:30, instantly realizing the hash starts in 30 minutes. I take a quick shower and pack my hash bag. As I am packing the hasher I am dating, who shall remain nameless here, calls wanting directions to the start, since my place is on the way, I tell her to stop and pick me up. During the hash I decide to take it easy on the drinking because the last few days have had way too much drinking. Well the hash went well, very little drinking, then the only ride I can find was going to the On-On-On, well it is at one of my favorite places and I am a little hungry. Stupid me I forget it is $2 shot night.
Next thing I know, it is Monday morning and I have 3 hung over hashers from other towns asleep in my living room. At 9 am my phone starts ringing, turns out I am co-hare for todays Darkside Hash, great. At this point I cannot afford a hangover and start drinking. Make it to the location of the Darkside at 11 am, keg was just tapped perfect timing. We decided to do the Darkside a littlle different this month, we decided to make it a day hash so it could coincide with Ring's Labor Day party. The drinking starts, a few hashers come and go. About 4 we lay trail, a real ball buster, around the block. I could barely walk at this point, so it seemed long to me. But hey I did throw in a tunnel small enough to crawl through and someone was stupid enough to do it and also a Jager check. Back to the party, time to circle up, I was definitely in no shape to RA, thank goodness Tuck It Up the Butt and Death By Dildo volunteered. Somewhere halfway through circle a flour war erupted, I am still picking flour off of me, damn flour when it mixes with water.
Around 6 pm I catch a ride home, where I immediately pass out, around 8 the hasher who shall remain nameless called and wanted me to come over. We had many different conversations concerning this and the fact that I should not be driving. Somewhere around 10, after a nap and a second shower (stupid flour), I take off for her place, where upon I finally got a good night sleep and woke up without the slightest bit of a hangover.
This week was hell, one big drunken party. Last night, I declined a few invites to go out. I went home and vegged, plus paid bills (for some reason I am almost two weeks behind on paying a lot of stuff). Tonight, I veg again, will fix my clothes dryer, will wash my sheets (stupid chunks of flour), and later on head over to she who shall remain nameless. I cannot party like this anymore. This is my last time. Seriously!
Who am I kidding, when's the next holiday. I have to prepare for Chaing Mai and I definitely plan to party non-stop for three weeks there. On-On to World Interhash 2006